Подборка ДТП | Bad Drivers Driving Fails | CAR CRASH COMPILATION 2020 #1

43 Просмотры
Подборка ДТП за 2020 год. цель данного видео ознакомительная, автор хочет показать как нельзя вести себя на дороге, лучше учится на чужих ошибках.

Bad Drivers Driving Fails | CAR CRASH COMPILATION 2020. The purpose of this video is for informational purposes, the author wants to show how one cannot behave on the road, learns better from other people's mistakes.

Отправить свое видео можно на почту: sergeism90@gmail.com

Send me your video: sergeism90@gmail.com

Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause]. Clips featured in the following compilation are intended for educational and journalistic purposes. The commentary on each clip solidifies and clearly portrays my intent of teaching my viewers to be better drivers as well as express my take on what happens in the clip.
Подборка ДТП
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